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Great article about Facebook, AI clickbait and people's ability to discern what's real: Facebook’s AI Spam Isn’t the ‘Dead Internet’, It’s the Zombie Internet

I use Social Fixer to read Facebook on my computer, but actually post to Facebook on my iPad. If I make the mistake of scrolling down, I'm bombarded with garbage. The more I read The Age of Surveillance Capitalism, the more I want to move away from it, but there's no good substitute yet.

2 weeks ago
World map


Today's article that The Age of Surveillance Capitalism reminded me of: Technology Aside, Most People Still Decline To Be Located.

Why has this article about Foursquare and similar services been lodged in my brain for 14 years?

“The magic age is people born after 1981,” said Mr. Altman of Loopt. “That’s the cut-off for us where we see a big change in privacy settings and user acceptance.”

3 weeks ago
Magnifying glass tilted right


Currently reading Surveillance Capitalism. It reminded me of this classic article by Charles Duhigg: How Companies Learn Your Secrets. The answer: they figure out what people tend to buy at certain points in their lives, then compare that to what you're buying now. Then they send you coupons that don't look targeted. That is, if they think you're pregnant, they'll put coupons for wine next to the coupons for diapers and vitamins. If it's too obvious, people get spooked.

"The way people spend money is the most reliable and revealing window into their desires and beliefs.” -- Surveillance State, Inside China's Quest to Launch a New Era of Social Control

3 weeks ago


Hello world! (Mostly hello Brian.)

3 weeks ago